Crosshair Ranch & Top Quality No Question Ranch American Brahman Breeder's Association Registered Grey Brahmans
Our Goal with the Brahman
Crosshair Ranch and Top Quality No Question Ranch are partners in a quest to build a strong brahman herd that is polled without compromising the overall carcass structure and muscle mass of the offspring. Brahman cattle are beautiful, unique and they have a vast history.
We love our Brahmans. We started with just one cow named Angel, whose breeding was from V8 Ranch and J.D. Hudgins Ranch. Angel has polled genetics, and a calm demeanor. As of 2022, she has had four heifers for us (since 2016). We continue to use the best bulls from BRC Ranch and V8 Ranch to meet our breeding goals.
It's important to explain that Angel was a gift to our son from his amazing grandparents. This amazing gift has led to the building of our herd, and the expansion of our experience with the brahman breed.
Grey Brahman Breed History and Characteristics
The Brahman breed originated in the USA in the early 1800s where it was developed from the progeny of four Indian Zebu breeds. Some infusion of local British breed (Bos taurus) cattle also occurred during its development.
Early Brahman importations into Australia can be traced as far back as the turn of the century. However, it was not until 1933 that significant numbers were imported by a syndicate of Queensland cattlemen. Further importations from the USA were made from 1950 to 1954.
The Brahman breed was developed to be a major beef breed in the tropical humid and subtropical dry climates.
The breed is easy to identify because they have the iconic hump above their shoulders, and a dewlap that extends under the chin and neck. Their hair color is generally light to dark grey or most black. They show typical Bos indicus characteristics of shielded eyes, loose folds of skin on the dewlap and droopy ears/floppy ears that resemble a hound dogs' ears! The cattle are very intelligent, inquisitive and can be calm and welcoming to humans if they are raised with human attention.
The Brahman breed in general is highly desired for crossbreeding, giving excellent hybrid vigor in the progeny. Such crossbreeds include: Braford (Brahman and Herford), Brangus (brahman and angus), Droughtmaster (cross of Brahman and Shorthorn), Charbray (cross of brahman and Charolais) and Santa Gertrudis ( cross of Brahman bulls of about seven-eighths pure breeding and purebred Shorthorn cows.).